Directory Submission
Link building is an important SEO tool to gain top ranking in search engines. Most of the search engines give importance to websites having inward links. While developing Link Building strategies, most companies rely heavily on links from web directories. Getting links from web directories help in building links as well as your website start receiving traffic from the web directories. We are India based SEO company provides various directory submission services. We do not use any automated softwares to submit your website to the web directories, we do all submissions by hand. We strictly follow the guidelines set by the directories while submission resulting in high approval rate. All these links are one way and are permanent. We use more than one anchor text and tags while submission. We also help our clients to formulate Title/Anchor Texts to get maximum benefit of directory submission. Upon completion of the project, we provide complete submission reports. We submit your website to the most relevant catogory available in the web directory for relevancy. Some directories do allow deep link submission. Our directory submission plans are affordable and at the same time we provide you quality, good customer support. Apart from submitting to general directories, we also provide regional directory submission for Spanish, German, French, Russian, Italian, Australian and UK directories.
Slow And Delayed Directory Submission
In order to build your backward links in a natural way and to make the search engine optimization process natural, we provide delayed directory submission service under which we submit your website at very slow rate to make the directory submission process more effective. If your website is new then these plan are going to be very beneficial for your SEO campaign. We have following delayed submissions plans.
Deep Link Directory Submission
It's very important to promote inner pages/folders of your website along with the home page when you start the SEO campaign. Your website gets more mileage when your inner pages are receive back links as It doesn't look natural that one page of website is linked across many pages/websites while other inner pages have no backward links. Deep link directory submission is best method to promote your inner pages. Secondly, if you have large website with different sections / cateogories / services, you will be having many webpages with different titles and keywords, in such case it is advisable to create different titles and descriptions for each page. Each page should have own Mata tags and optimized according to page theme. Deep link directory submission helps you rank your website on those keywords.